About Me

About Me

Image of Me

I am in my B.Tech. final year at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur with CSE Major. I previously worked at Adobe Research Lab at Bangalore with Dr. Kokil Jaidka and Dr. Niyati Chhaya.

My primary research interests are in Computer Vision, Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing.

Some of my key projects include :

  • User Bias Removal in Fine Grained Sentiment Analysis
  • BAT: An Unsupervised Approach for Construction of Domain-Specific Affect Lexicons

I also have been active in the field of Competitive Programming , constantly participating in online Coding platforms such as Codeforces and Codechef .

I love to play Table Tennis and foosball.

Last update (ET): 2018-03-17 11:08:30 +0000. Atom Feed